Sunday, May 9, 2010

Virtual Flowers for My Mom...

This blog post is dedicated to a very special person in everyone's lives... MOM!! Happy Mother's day to all the loving, devoted, hard-working, iconic women who sacrifice their needs for their children. You'll never truly know how wonderful you really are, because there are no actions or words great enough to express all that!!
My Mom is enjoying a scrumptious brunch at Boccochino's with Blair, Janel, Dad, Faith and Al. Sounds like fun! (For my "brunch", I had an Arby's Jr. roastbeef sandwich.)
Last week was National Teacher Appreication Week, and the school district rewarded their teachers with a big box of strawberries... one for every member of the faculty! I'm still eating berries -- for those of you who knew me when I was little and would hunt the strawberries down in Grandpa and Gramdma's garden... You can imagine how happy that gift made me! We also got messager bags with the Dark Horse logo on it... perfect for carting things to and from work. I'm already making use of mine... I figure I might as well since only have a few weeks left.
Time seems like it's going by ever so slowly, and yet, at the same time, it's a little hard to believe it's May already. Things are quite busy for me... This week we've got tech and dress rehearsals for "Thuroughly Modern Millie", of which I am again acting as Assitant Director. It's been fun... hard work and many hours, but fun! The show runs Friday-Saturday-Sunday, and I imagine I'll need a weekend after that. After that, there's only two weeks left of classes before exams begin!
As I was stepping up to start this blog, I realized that this post is the 100th!! Yay!! Thanks to everyone who has read it from the beginning, and especially to those of you who read faithfully! I know I'll be seeing most of you again soon (!!!) and when I do I can thank you in person. But it really has meant a lot to me to know that you all care about me and want what's best for me. LOVE YOU ALL SOOOO VERY MUCH!

1 comment:

Steph said...

i know you are excited to go back to canada and that you should totally be there but i makes me sad that i'm one of the one that gets the bad end of the deal. :/ hopefully we'll get to see each other sooner rather then later. it was so wonderful to see you in nyc in january! so glad we took advantage of being in the same start!

also, i have read faithfully from the beginning and i have enjoyed it. it's been so interesting to read your insights, see how things are different, and support in whatever way you needed. thanks for sharing this with us all!