Thursday, October 15, 2009

You know the smell of the furnace when you turn it on for the first time in the fall? Love that.

I did something new today -- I turned on the heat!

The weather has definitely turned fall-like. Actually, a little colder than they normally experience here. We've only had highs in the 50's these past two days, and the trend is supposed to continue through the weekend. They say it's usually about 70 or 75 during the day, at least until the end of October. Meh. I kind of like it!

I'm helping out with the school play -- Rudyard Kipling's "Just So Stories". Right now I'm just doing a lot of observing and a little assistant directing. It's not a very big play, with a small cast as well. Practice is two or three days a week, after school, and it opens in three weeks. It's been nice doing something different at school!

On Friday, our Varsity soccer team takes one the #1 ranked school in the eastern conference final. The soccer team has been doing really well this season. We've all been encouraged to attend the game. I'm probably going to go -- bundled up just like I'm at home! :o) Go Horses!

Next week is Homecoming and Spirit Week. Just like at home, there are theme days that we are participating in. There's a Powder Puff football game (girls play, boys are cheerleaders) next Thursday, and then a parade, pep rally and varsity FB game on Friday. There's a dance, too. Not sponsored by the school though, I think. It's being held at the Civic Center in town.

I'm going to a VIF conference in Raleigh this weekend. We need to be there at 8 am on Saturday. Looks like another early morning, but I'm looking forward to it anyway! I'll take my camera for pictures to post here later!

Hope everyone else is staying warm! :o)


Steph said...

in case you missed my fb status-it snowed here today. i feel like im in canada now.

Kimber said...

Hey! Look at your sexy new photo to the right! Love it! That must be your new school photo from this year. Makes me wish I was a teacher, so I could get professional shots done!

Mmm furnace. Love fall/winter (but then you already knew that!), and love having the heat on! Not sure I get the smell, as I have hot water rads, but at home we did.

Your Spirit Week and fun school events sound AWESOME! Look at you being a cute little team spirit teacher. I hope some fun things like this are going in on FEBRUARY!

Brenda said...

Hey Melanie! Love your new school photo!
I smiled when I read that you were assisting with a school play, as I can just picture you in the director's seat! :) Do they know about your delightful singing voice yet? Perhaps you could insert a song into the play, here and there.... ;)
Glad that you're enjoying the cooler weather, though I know you'll understand that we ARE NOT enjoying it here!! Crazy weather has turned as cold and gloomy as November often is! We need more sunshine, "up here" in Canada!
It's sure good to hear the humor in your words, and to know that you're dwelling in the positive.
Take good care, my friend! I do so love to read your updates!