Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pimp this

Ahh... For those of you who are anxiously waiting for the next list of DIVE words your patience should be rewarded eventually! It's funny how I can tell myself that it will only take five minutes to update my blog, and when in the end, I know it's a lie. However, once I get writing, sometimes it's hard to stop...

Anyway! This is not a true update. That will be another day or so. Instead, I decided to pimp out my brother Blair's burgeoning photography business. One, because he's family, and two, because he's just so talented and I think you should all be witness...

Go ahead... Have a gander. :o) There's a blog that goes with it, that might just rival mine.

Shout out to my cousin Tyson, who had surgery today. Keep it tough kiddo... I'm rooting for ya!

Everyone enjoy the downside of the workweek!


Anonymous said...

you're brother's stuff is really nice! too bad he lives IN CANADA :P

Anonymous said...


Ty is doing great but has some swelling...ok...lots of swelling and looks something like a stuffed chipmunk! Pain is tolerable with good meds. He spent his awake time complimenting the nurses on how pretty they were....16 year old...what can you expect! He is happy with the results so far and it is very noticable. His profile is amazing.

Uncle Rick

Blair said...

Hey thanks for the free advertising! Keep checking back at the blog in the coming weeks. There is more to come throughout September and October. The trip to Seattle will be a highlight ot course.

I keep reading even though I don't always comment. Keep up the good work there!